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Customers Wig April 2022

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This is Caroline one of my happy customers wearing her wig.Because my service is private and discreet, I never ask customers for photos to use on my website. However if like Caroline you would like to be on my website … Continued

Credit / Debit cards now accepted

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Great News for my valued existing and new customers! Starting on the 21/10/2020, credit / debit cards now accepted (all major credit and debit card options and google pay also apple pay).

Hobby Time

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I thoroughly enjoy singing! The choir I belong to raises money for local Kent based charities.

Meaning of ‘Panache’

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What does the word ‘Panache’ mean? The online oxford dictionary – synonyms, tell us the word Panache is attributed to: Confidence, self-assurance, style, stylishness, flair, flamboyant confidence, flamboyance, elan, dash, flourish, verve, zest, spirit, brio, éclat, vivacity, vigour, gusto, animation, … Continued


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Being a nation of animal lovers, (and being one myself) I have met many lovely pets during my visits to customers homes. Cats of all colours have tried to sit on my lap! Dogs of all shapes and sizes are … Continued

Loyal Customers

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This month I have had the pleasure of revisiting many loyal customers from last year who wished to purchase a second, third even fourth wig.  It has been lovely to chat over a cup of coffee (and sometimes a biscuit … Continued

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