Meaning of ‘Panache’

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What does the word ‘Panache’ mean?

The online oxford dictionary – synonyms, tell us the word Panache is attributed to:

Confidence, self-assurance, style, stylishness, flair, flamboyant confidence, flamboyance, elan, dash, flourish, verve, zest, spirit, brio, éclat, vivacity, vigour, gusto, animation, liveliness, vitality, enthusiasm, energy.

I am proud to support my customers as they face their hair loss challenges. Building confidence from a visual appearance of one-self is a major step to maintaining or restoring personal dignity and respect. Confidence is an attribute that assists in growing the other synonyms/meanings attributed to the word ‘Panache’ listed above.

The word Panache is also associated with ‘ reckless courage’  ( Courage is an attribute that everyone who faces hair loss musters when taking the initial step to enquire about the Panache Wigs service. I myself truly value the courage of my customers and in return I aim to assist you in finding your ideal Panache wig.

As a literal word Panache represents a ‘plume’. Notably a white plume (feather).